5 Day Self Care Challenge

It’s important to care and love others but a love we often don’t priorities or work on is our love for ourselves.

So I challenge you to engage in my 5 Days of Self Care to promote Self Love.

Up for the Challenge?

See below for your daily tasks.

Day 1 of the Self Care Challenge

Perhaps controversial but I’m challenging you to say no to something.

Say no to something that you don’t have the energy for. Something that you see no good in saying yes to.

A decision that may bring happiness to others but will bring no joy to you.

Saying no can be an extremely difficult boundary to input, especially if you’re a typical Yes Person like me.

Boundaries help to ensure you are looking after, and protecting, yourself from burn out, from being taken advantage of or sacrificing something that you really shouldn’t be (like your time or money).

You’ve got this!

Day 2 of the Self Care Challenge

Focus on the breath.

Changing our mental and physiological state by focusing on and controlling our breath is really effective in lowering anxiety and high arousal states.

Take 10 deep breaths and on the outer breath think “peace”.

*Photo credit ‘Listening to Joy’.

Day 3 of the Self Care Challenge

Write down as many self care activities that you love to do on slips of paper and fold them up individually. The self care activities can be anything! Grab your favourite mug, a trinket box or a sandwich bag (an empty ‘Birch box’ is perfect!) and create a lucky dip for yourself for every time you feel a bit low, burnt out or at a loss of what to do.

When we feel upset or have low motivation decision making can become very difficult. This activity helps to alleviate stress in choices whilst ensuring you engage in the self care that you need and deserve.

Day 4 of the Self Care Challenge

Think of a challenging time in your life that you have since overcome.

Write a note or letter to your former self with words of praise and encouragement.

It will help you to acknowledge how far you have come and can be such a powerful tool to increase self confidence and motivation


Day 5 of the Self Care Challenge

If you had a magic wand and could change your life what would your life be like? Spend time reflecting on what it would look like.

Now reflect on one small goal that you could consider making to reach your ideal life

*Photo credit ‘Magic Thinking Big’


You have completed your 5 Days of Self Care

Keep following @Happylieuya Social Media accounts for regular tips and tricks for engaging in self care.